Divij Sehgal

Bangalore, Karnataka · +91 7777029155 · divij.sehgaal7@gmail.com

Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data and their relationships.
- Linus Torvalds

Divij has interests in Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Image Processing, among other things. He is currently into ML and DL Technologies to create intelligent Computer Vision Applications. He is well versed with all aspects of Software Development across various different technologies including Cloud Computing, Deep Learning on Edge Devices such as Nvidia's Jetson Platform and Mobile Application Development and loves consuming Research. Have a challenging assignment? Hire Me
Interested in: Computer Vision, Web Technologies, Machine Learning, Distributed Systems and Competitive Programming.


Sr. Machine Learning Engineer

Cocoslabs Innovative Solutions Private Limited

Works on problems in the field of Computer Vision and Image Processing using Deep Learning and Machine Learning.

March 2020 - Present



Aidetic Software

We are a Niche Software Development Organization that builds smart tools & solutions using Artificial Intelligence & some Creativity. We currently operate in areas of Autonomous Systems, Computer Vision, Information Retreival and Natural Language Processing to build Intelligent machines.

July 2018 - Feb 2020

Full Stack Developer

Flytbase Inc, Pune

Worked on microservices based software development, Integration of Chargebee Subscription billing platform via Stripe Gateway. Developed a platform for drone based inspection of Telecom Towers in the United States. Developed a real-time video streaming application to stream video from on-board drone cameras in real-time to the user.

October 2017 - May 2018

Web Development Intern

HT Media, New Delhi

Developed a bulk email system for use as an email marketing tool by internal entities. Developed the system using notable technologies: the Postfix utility, Elasticsearch & the ELK Stack, Redis & Docker.

January 2017 - June 2017

Software Development Intern

Bharat Petroleum, Mumbai

Developed a push notification module for integration with existing Android applications. Used the Firebase Platform by Google as the Push Notification Backend. Developed a responsive web design based system to for commodity booking for various B-2-B clients, based on Enterprise Java & jQuery.

June 2016 - August 2016


Delhi Institute of Technology & Management

Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science & Engineering - 7.48
  • Anchored Departmental Cultural event in second semester.
  • Active Participant in activites such as dramatics and programming workshops on topics ranging from systems to ethical hacking.
July 2013 - May 2017

Study Hall, Lucknow, UP

Secondary School
Science(Non-medical) + Informatics Practices - 83%
  • Volunteer - e-Study Hall - Video Editing: Compilation and Correction of educational video content created for Underpriveleged Children studying in primary school.
2011 - 2013



Restaurant Table Booking Bot

A simple bot to reserve tables at a restaurant persist information to a database.

Interface built using Telegram's APIs. Backend built using the Django framework. Bot deployed to Google App Engine, used Google Memcached for caching and Google Datastore for persistence.

User communication took place through commands such as the interfaces for Customer support in popular apps such as Zomato and Swiggy to take information from a user and respond back using dynamic menus and buttons for user to choose actions from.

April 2018

College Notification System

Developed a Push-notification based Notification System for College setup using the OneSignal Platform, Android, MySQL, the Django Framework and AngularJS. Deployed the backend on an AWS instance.

Coordinated with Faculty members over a period of about 5 months to incorporate ideas and feedback on modelling essential workflows for information management within the College Campus.

November 2016 - April 2017

Line Follower Robot

Built a simple line follower robot using Arduino Atmega-8 microcontroller and servo motors to actuate bot wheel movement.

December 2013


Programming Languages & Tools
  • In addition to the above, I am fairly proficient in C++ and Bash
  • OpenCV, DLib, Tensorflow, Scikit-learn, Pandas, Numpy
  • Databases and Caching: MySQL, PostGreSQL, Elasticsearch, Celery
  • Video Streaming Protocols such as RTMP/RTSP etc
  • Test Driven Development & Scrum Methodology
  • Jenkins for Automated Testing & Software Builds
  • Web Crawling, using modern tools such as Selenium and BeautifulSoup.
  • Have good exposure to System Architecture and Scaling Software Systems.
  • Building Conversational to Semi-conversational Bots.


Apart from programming, I enjoy time outdoors cycling, running & watching the sunset. Indoors, I am often found reading books on my Kindle, watching The Big Bang Theory, playing Billiards. Being the foodie that I am, I equally enjoy Street food, North Indian & South Indian delicacies & usually most other cusines.

I spend a of time just watching random cat videos. On a random day, you might find me fiddling with some new idea, looking to turn it into an interesting side-project. In the little time I have left, I browse the web, reading about programming & interesting experiences on Quora or answering questions on Stack Overflow.


  • IBM Code Day India - Data Science Badge, earned February 2018  
  • Machine Learning by Stanford University on Coursera, completed February 2018  
  • Importance of Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment  
  • Elasticsearch(and its associates)
  • 2nd Place in School - International Informatics Olympiad, Silverzone - 2012
  • 1st Place in School - International Informatics Olympiad, Silverzone - 2011


  • A Review of Face Recognition Techniques  
  • The Video Processing Pipeline  
  • Elasticsearch Search Engine | GeeksForGeeks